Soul Searcher: February 25th 2003

Doodies was very empty when James and I walked in to begin our little SS meet (not to be confused with an S&M meet). We talked mainly about money, of course, and James was keen to pursue a private/commercial cash-raising approach, ie. finding investors, be they dentists with some dosh to spare or production companies looking for stuff to finance. We also discussed the concept designs, and talked about a possible look for a supporting character who we never got around to designing last year.

In other news, I’ve been filling in some of the gaps in my storyboarding file, sitting in Maylord Orchards again with a pen and paper, and planning out a major sequence in a multistorey carpark.

Soul Searcher: February 25th 2003

Soul Searcher: February 10th 2003

The Idiots’ Guide To Writing a Soul Searcher Journal Entry: “We had a meeting today in Doodies/The Courtyard/Deep Pan Pizza (delete as applicable), where we bumped into Rick/someone who was in a film we made once/Sasha the waitress (ditto), blah, blah, blah (insert gratuitous reference to Back To The Future here).”

Okay, so on this particular occasion it was Neil and James, in Doodies, with the candlestick. And the big folder of artwork. And the funding application forms. This was the first official meeting since James came back on board, and I had brought him up to date, we made a little action plan (anal, I know, but whatchagonnado?). As discussed at Christmas, we’re going to apply for public funding under the banner of Catcher Media. In the mean time, we’re going to put together a nice-looking portfolio to take to Screen West Midlands and a smaller leaflet to distribute at the Media Market Place at Hereford’s upcoming Borderlines Film Festival.

Soul Searcher: February 10th 2003