Had a disagreement with Wysiwyg over the DVD cover. I didn’t think it was strong enough. Tom said the wholesalers like it, the buyers in Cannes liked it, and people browsing the shops will like it. Since he’s in the business of selling films and I’m not, I have to assume he’s right and I’m wrong.
Soul Searcher
Soul Searcher: May 24th 2006
Yes, the release date has finally been set for AUGUST 14th. Within a couple of weeks, you should be able to pre-order the DVD at play.com.
The Wysiwyg boys got back from Cannes late last night, having won the 24 hour film challenge in just three hours – jammy gits – and handed out several SS screeners. As always with Cannes, the follow-up is the important part, so fingers crossed for some positive results.
Soul Searcher: May 18th 2006
The Cannes Film Festival started yesterday. I’m not going this year, but Wysiwyg are out there, flying the flag for Soul Searcher and their other movies. Check out their Cannes Video Diaries, presented by their publicist Jonathan Rhodes, at www.wysiwygfilms.com. And let’s hope they come back with a few territories sold for us.
Soul Searcher: May 17th 2006
Today I’m 26, but my film is 12. Rated 12 by the British Board of Film Classification, that is. “Contains one use of moderate language [‘bollocks’] and fantasy violence” is the advice to consumers. Thanks to Simon Wyndham for discovering Soul Searcher’s page on the BBFC website, since Wysiwyg hadn’t told me. After all those years of putting fake BBFC logos at the start of my amateur films, how strange it is to finally have the real thing.
Soul Searcher: May 4th 2006
I received a draft version of the DVD cover last week. It uses the same image that’s on the front page of this site, plus other photos montaged in the background. It needs some work, but it’s cool to see the proper BBFC, DVD and Dolby logos on there, even though they’re just placeholders at the moment. (If you believe the draft cover, the film’s an 18 and the sound’s in mono.)
Soul Searcher: April 23rd 2006
A little aside for any of you that followed the journal for my previous film, The Beacon (which, incidentally, will one day be on-line again for nostalgic purposes). Josh Green (aka Conrad, one of The Beacon‘s lead characters) was the stand-in werewolf in last night’s Doctor Who, “Tooth and Claw”. They’ve misheard his name and called him Jeff, which partly explains how I sat through Doctor Who: Confidential last night without recognising him. But there’s no mistaking him on the web featurette.
Soul Searcher: April 20th 2006
So what’s going on? It’s all the BBFC’s fault, apparently. They’ve recently switched to accepting DVD screeners instead of just VHS and for some reason this has increased their workload. Coupled with some technical issues with the disc Wysiwyg sent them, delays have resulted. Until the certificate is known, marketing cannot begin and the release date cannot be set. So we wait. It’s quite odd for the film’s fate to be completely out of my hands, though I’ve now moved on, my head filled with Shadowland.
Mention was made of a Soul Searcher TV series, not for the first time in the film’s history. Black Horse, the wholesaler that will actually be putting the DVD on the shelves, is very keen on the idea. I’m of the opinion that the response to the movie peaked with the whole “Spielberg of Hereford” thing back in March last year, but you never know – maybe there are greater heights for it to reach.
Soul Searcher: March 27th 2006
This journal is four years old today and to celebrate, I shall eat some pizza, as per the first sentence of the very first entry. Oh, actually I had pizza last night, so maybe I won’t bother.
Still no confirmation of the release date, but it will not be in May.
Soul Searcher: March 11th 2006
Exactly one year on from the premiere. Some of the cast and crew came over to watch Going to Hell. I got them all to sign one of the original posters based on Tim Holleyman’s artwork. This will be the prize in Wysiwyg’s “Guess The Budget” competition which they’ll be running to tie in with the release.
Soul Searcher: March 3rd 2006
There is now word on the release date…. but nothing I can reveal yet.