The low budget guide to crashing a helicopter into the HOLLYWOOD sign: (1) Get enthusiastic, curly-haired friend person; (2) Put your dad’s scooter helmet on him, and some dark glasses; (3) Sit him in your living room, put a couple of redheads in his face, and frame it real tight; (4) Using a magazine ad for David Lynch’s “Mulholland Drive” as a reference, cut some 3cm wide letters out of a piece of white card and glue them to an old black t-shirt, in turn gaffa-taped to a piece of wood; (5) Instruct friend person to look up in death-loomingly-induced horror whilst moving the miniature sign towards his face; (6) Call action, hit the zoom rocker and shake the tripod for all you’re worth; (7) Get some poor sap to do all the exterior stuff on a computer.