Alright, I’m still not sure exactly when the premiere will be (though you can bet your bottom dollar it will be one of the last two weekends in January), but as you may have noticed, the VHS release date is now fixed. For the third time in recent memory, I went down to the station with camera and tried to shoot trains going by at night. This time I actually had the sense to take the pag light, so after much lurking in darkened corners of industrial estates and trespassing on Railtrack property (or government property, I guess it is now), I got the shots and came home for a nice cup of tea. Sorry Dave, but our fantastic tracking shot is not going to be in the film, for various reasons, the main one being that I can’t get it to look like night. I had FX success last night with the window smash effect, and having agreed exact lengths for all of Mike’s 3D shots, I will be locking the edit soon, although I’d like to set up a test screening for some complete strangers first.