Considering a trip to the Cannes Film Festival this year? Well, now is the time to start planning and booking. Here are links to the most useful Cannes-related blogs I’ve posted over the last few years.
First up, if you’re thinking about entering your movie into Cannes’ Short Film Corner, this guest blog by Sophie Black explains exactly what you can expect to get from your entry fee and how you can make the best use of your time at the festival.
There are some things you don’t want to leave home without – read Packing for Cannes to find out the essentials.
Attending Cannes can be expensive if you’re not careful. Have a look at a breakdown of my Cannes spending in 2011, and check out Five Tips for Doing Cannes on a Budget for hints and tricks to conserve your cash on the Côte d’Azur.
Things I’ve Learnt in Cannes and Things I Learnt (Again) from Cannes 2013 lay out some of the important truths about the film industry that my trips to Cannes have hammered home to me.
If you want to find out how Sophie and I got on at the festival last year, watch our 2013 video blogs.
To get a sense of the madness of my very first trip to the festival as I attempted to sell my indie feature Soul Searcher, read my 2005 Cannes blog.
And finally, not particularly useful but quite amusing, here is the account of my travel woes on my way to Cannes in 2010.