Cut a little tiny web featurette last night and spent a lot of today pissing about compressing it and the trailer.
My friend Rick just came round to watch the rough cut of the movie. It was the first time I’d seen it all the way through. A couple of things about it surprised me but not in a bad way. It’s kinda hard going at the moment, what with big blocks of text explaining the missing scenes and FX, and some scenes being completely mute, but being a filmmaker himself Rick’s used to that crap. Anyway he liked it, particularly the first third (which is by far the most complete at the moment). He made some useful comments which I shall bear in mind this week as I go for another pass over the whole thing.
Lara drew up a whole big publicity/distribution plan which is pretty scary, simply from a time point of view. It’s a full time job and I’ve already got me one of those in finishing the film. May need some extra help.