Soul Searcher Released Online

Soul Searcher. Photography: John Galloway
Soul Searcher. Photography: John Galloway

The wait is over. Soul Searcher is now available to view in full for free at

Here are some of the lovely things reviewers have said about the film:

“A fantasy action movie in the grand style… It looks great and moves beautifully… As a statement of potential, Soul Searcher must be one of the best-value films ever made.” – The Guardian

“This is ground breaking digital film-making, it has heart and soul, and action and excitement.  You should be watching this George [Lucas]!  If it doesn’t get itself a cult following, I’ll eat my keyboard!”  – Impact Magazine

“British low budget film at its cheekiest, but at times breathtaking, best.”  – Shooting People Review

“Miles ahead of some of the multi-million dollar blockbusters I’ve seen.”  – Disorder Magazine

“Oseman’s film is entertaining, beautifully directed, well acted, and spins one hell of a fantasy yarn that you’ll dig.”  – Cinema Crazed

“An enjoyable triumph of a piece.”  – Rogue Cinema

“Soul Searcher defies its limitations to show itself as the work of a director and his crew genuinely intent on contributing to cinema.”  – Frightfest

“I’m a little bit in love with this film.”  – Horror Talk

So what are you waiting for? Get on over to

Soul Searcher Released Online