Spielberg’s agent sent my letter back, but what he didn’t count on was that I also sent a copy directly to the Bearded One at Dreamworks. Like apples, do you? Well how do you like them apples?
Contacted a certain British actor’s agent regarding one of the major supporting roles and was invited to send the script. The agent’s assistant asked what the projected budget and timeframe are, who else is attached, who the producer is and so on – not questions I was able to answer at this stage. Maybe I’m going about this in the wrong order, but then maybe it’s a vicious circle. Can’t get the names until you’ve got the financing; can’t get the financing until you’ve got the names. Or possibly: can’t get the names until you’ve got a budget drawn up; can’t draw up the budget until you’ve got an experienced producer on board; can’t get an experienced producer on board until you’ve got financing; can’t get financing until you’ve got a budget drawn up. Clearly there’s no point in me drawing up a budget…. Production Design: