The Beacon: January 30th 2002

Kerrrrunch time. Mike couldn’t get everything rendered for last night, so he showed up in Hairy Ford at about 8am this morning. He’d had to drop a few shots, having run out of time. James came round with d’oh nuts and other items which will only increase the frequency of my scary heart palpitations. I’d asked him to watch the final film with me, to make sure there weren’t any technical errors I’d become blind to from seeing it too much. It was actually 12:30 before we were able to hold this little viewing, as the compositing work on the remaining FX took time, and I had to create a couple of shots myself. As time ticked melodramatically away, I made executive decisions to drop a couple of Mike’s shots which weren’t working for one reason or another. On the whole they’re pretty impressive though, particularly the cinema scene, which utterly rocks. After the viewing with Jimminy O’Clarke, there were a few little tweaks to make before I could finally master it. For the record, The Beaconwas completed at 5pm. As I write, I have one eye on the master, which I’m playing to check for drop-out, and my dad’s on his way over to courier it to the dupes house. I guess this is where I bid you all officially adieu, but in the same way that the shoot “officially” ended on August 13th. I’ll be starting a new journal page simply called News which will be updated from time to time with news of the premiere, promotion and the progress of the DVD edition. Thanks for tuning in. And don’t forget to order.

The Beacon: January 30th 2002