The Beacon: May 30th 2001

This week is insane. My landlord’s informed me I’ve got to move out because his girlfriend’s moving in, I’ve got to redo two days’ work on a paying editing job because the hard drive went down (fortunately not on my suite – phew, someone else is to blame), and a million people have rung me or e-mailed me about The Beacon. Not that I’m asking you to stop, it’s just that I always assumed that it would only be on the shoot itself that I’d run out of free time at nights in which to sleep. And – hey! – the auditions are on Saturday, today’s Wednesday, it’s 8:20pm and I’ve yet to post any script pages or audition times to anyone. Still, this guy with muchos nun chucks experience wants to be in the film. Sweet…..

The Beacon: May 30th 2001