Beech Business Park: The Location That Would Not Die. Back to “Los Angeles” today, with John “Cameron” MacLachlan, Sarah “Bay” Harrison and Max “Make-up Dude” Van De Banks. For once it was not pissing down with rain, so we got straight to it by remounting John’s opening Trivial Pursuit line. Then we got the shots of the jeep and associated sound effects. The last slate was an extra shot for a scene on the summit of The Beacon, where the edit had revealed that Cameron appeared to be standing by and watching as the hostages escaped. So I devised a shot in which Cameron would lean over the recently murderlised Bay and grieve for a few seconds. The only background was sky, so we filmed this at the business park, with Sarah lying on the jeep’s bonnet so I could get a suitably low camera angle. Then we realised that John should have had his hat on for the Trivial Pursuit line, so we redid that. Finally it was back to my place with John to re-record a few Holy Well lines. Cue lots of satisfying crossing-off.