Neil Douek and I spent all of Tuesday and a large part of Wednesday editing the ADR from November. It was incredibly painstaking. Once I’d chosen a take for performance, it had to be synchronized precisely to the picture, which involved shifting it back and forth by tiny fractions of a frame and watching it over and over again until it looked right. Often a few words had to be chopped up and placed individually, or stretched to fit, or taken from another take. We spent what seemed like an hour trying to find a suitable “a” sound for part of one of Chris’ lines.
Once that was done we began preparing for the mix. By the end of Thursday afternoon we had started mixing the first reel. By the end of yesterday (Friday) we had done a grand total of four-and-a-half minutes of the film. And that’s without reverb or stereo positioning. At this rate, even if we worked every day between now and the premiere we probably wouldn’t finish on time. Well, it would have been an anticlimax to the whole Soul Searcher experience if there wasn’t one last massive problem to solve.
Richard Brake dropped in yesterday to record his ADR for Van Beuren’s swordfight. Since his part was so popular on the end of the last Soul Searcher trailer, I asked him to record a voice-over for the final trailer, which he made an excellent job of.