My last entry from this side of the pond for a while, I guess. Well, decisions have been reached. More, perhaps, than I had anticipated from this week at the outset. We haven’t made the all important phone calls yet, so I’m obviously not going to say any more here. Overall I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of acting we saw this week, and huge thanks to everyone who took the time to come along. It takes a great weight off my mind to know that we’ve got (assuming the people in question accept the roles) the right folks for the job – it’s going to make my job a hell of a lot easier.
Finishing the last of the auditions at about 2 o’clock, James and I made our recceing way to the football stadium (via Groovy Rick’s house), where Joan the company secretary was very co-operative. She was even happy in principle for us to switch the big floodlights on when we film, and to go up one of the lighting towers for a couple of shots. I love helpful location owners.
This evening we met (in a location so predictable it’s not even worth typing) with Kat Whiteaway (quite possibly not the correct spelling), who’s interested in helping James out with the production and organisational stuff, and Jenny (er… don’t know her surname… sorry). who is now officially our art director. We spent a long time explaining the tone of the film, the locations we have in mind, the look and feel we want to give the props, costumes and characters, and kicked around various ideas along those lines. Both Jenny and Kat were excited by what we were doing.
All in the all, it feels like the whole project has moved up a level today, which is a nice way for me to leave it.