It’s pretty sticky here in Orange County, which I guess is what you’d expect. Hot and sticky. I’m having a whale of a time. There’s about a dozen of us crew staying in a big ole house with a white porch and a screen door, cruising the interstates in a minibus on steroids, singing Cheer Up, Sleepy Jean. There’s lots of night shooting, which is great experience from a lighting point of view; I’m getting to try out stuff that I can use in Soul Searcher. Despite it being pretty intense (last night we shot 10am till 3am in order to get ourselves back on schedule), I’m managing to squeeze in some storyboarding, currently of Soul Searcher’s climax.
James – let’s not beat about the bush here – has dropped out of the project, which is obviously not good, but the show must go on. I’m trying to find a replacement producer, but it’ll probably end up being a case of getting a really good production manager and just producing it myself. So it’s funding applications, location permissions and scheduling all the way when I get back.