Soul Searcher: July 5th 2002

The casting call finally got into the Shooting People digest, and James found his e-mail server jammed full of interested thesps. Of course, many of these folks are from London, so their talent and suitability for the part will have to be weighed against the cost of accommodating them for the duration of the shoot, but that’s a bridge we can cross when we come to it. Incidentally, I’d like to see the bridge that you can cross before you’ve come to it. Does it have a wormhole in the middle?

This afternoon we met with one young actress (oh god, I’ve started calling everyone “young”…. I’m so fecking ancient…) who won’t be able to come to the auditions next week, but is interested in the role of Heather nonetheless. As much as I’d like to cast all the lead roles before I leave for New York – to give Simon as long as possible to get them fighting fit – the fact of the matter is that there may have to be a second wave of auditions upon my return, a month down the line. That is if I come back. People keep saying I won’t.

About an hour ago I started storyboarding. I did part of the opening scene months ago, but now that many of the locations are firmed up – at least in my desire to use them, if not in their owners’ desires for them to be used (yes) – it’s time to start turning those words into crude sketches and little 3D arrows like the ones what proper storyboarders draw.

Soul Searcher: July 5th 2002