The last few days I spent working on the sound design for the scenes in the Borderlines doc. Oh the fun you can have laying footsteps onto a scene one by one. Cliche though it is, working on this aspect of the film opens up a whole new dimension. Again, I’ve been plundering The Beacon library. Today I borrowed Rural Media’s sound kit and wandered around for a short while trying to find the right kind of traffic noise. I ambled into Doodies and asked the mildly surprised but generously co-operative barman if I could record the noise of his cappuccino machine.
This evening, when the traffic noise permeating my flat had dropped enough to make sound recording feasible, I gathered together a few props and crouched in the corner of my living room, already too full of light stands, fishtanks and cinematic miscellany, to record some more basic effects. I made a reasonable dent in my ten page list. (That’s for the whole film.)
Chris H put me on to Forest of Dean Radio, who are going to run a piece on the film the night before the Borderlines screening. Me and Chris and maybe AJ are going down to the studio and they’re going to play some dialogue scenes and bits of music from the movie.
In the world of effects, I’ve been speaking to a few people about making the Banshee puppet. Ideas have ranged from stop motion plasticine to full animatronics.