When Soul Searcher bombs and I need a new career, I’m going to start up a coffee house and call it Accost A Coffee. But until then, if I want to accost a coffee I have to go to Hereford’s new Costa Coffee. It’s like the new Doodies, only without the soul. Yes, this is going somewhere. This is where James and I met up to talk about a new script. I brought the SS sequel outlines to the table (the more I think about them, the more I don’t want to make them), plus two other proto-ideas for features. We’re not planning to write any scripts for now, just treatments, so we’ve got something if people ask what’s next.
James said the college in Cheltenham where he teaches might be into having a Soul Searcher test screening.
I was at a bit of a loose end over the weekend, having expected to be re-editing as a result of the Hereford test screening. Instead I took the opportunity to sleep a lot, and went back and redid some of the first FX I did back in December. In the intervening five months I’ve learnt a bit more about what works and what doesn’t, and was able to considerably improve the scene. I used to really hate the opening scene but it’s gradually getting better. One of the FX involved blasting sugar out of a bowl with a hair dryer (to represent dust blowing out of the street sweeper brushes). Of course my vacuum cleaner chose that afternoon, with my living room plastered in new glucose decor, to pack up.
Jonny’s thinking of selling his Mustang, so I’m off to London tomorrow to record the sound of the engine (although I have a track on a sound effects CD called “Nuclear War” which sounds about the same).