Soul Searcher: October 19th 2003

So we start tomorrow. We finally got here. Funny, it doesn’t feel like that much of a big deal. I don’t know, maybe it does. I’m kinda excited. I’ve just been sorting out my equipment, trimming gels, charging batteries, that kind of caper. Edd’s been typing up call sheets – he’s been doing far more than I have – maybe I should get him to write something…

Howdy Ho! Edd here, Neils first AD. My abilities have been greatly exagerated (as has my spelling) but its nice to know I’m appreciated. I am very stressed, worried that everything is going to go pear shaped, worried about weather, extras not turning up, the council giving us the wrong type of power socket, the list is long and boring. But I know that in a couple of months we will all meet up in a pub, and then laugh about how it all went pear shaped (well Neil won’t, but hey). Anyway thats it from me. Back to the (Ose)man.

Thanks, Edd. We should make that a regular feature. Um, I’m afraid I don’t have anything else interesting to say. Tune in on Tuesday for news from the front line.

Soul Searcher: October 19th 2003