Bleary of eye. Achy of back. Wee-small of hour. What’s happened lately? Well I met with Simon Ball, to brief him on his new Casting Director duties – he’s in charge of casting all the bit parts and extras. I’ve been on BBC Hereford & Worcester, talking briefly about the film and inviting interested investors to make themselves known. I’ve been sitting doing lighting plans, which is the kind of thing that only I could ever find interesting, and this morning I spent an hour or two worrying at the shooting schedule, after a call from Penny Skinner (Heather – or so we hope) informed me that she was going to get sacked if she took all the days off work she needed according to my original schedule. But it’s all part of the fun, isn’t it?
I also got some very nice images through from Ian Tomlinson, who has been promoted to Art Director since Jenni Gregory is mostly unavailable this year. I must put some of them up on the site. But not now. What with the bleariness and the achiness.
You won’t hear anything more from me now for a week, for I shall be ensconced in a cottage in a woodland area of Dorset (or possibly Devon – they’re easily confused), shooting a Doctor Who spin-off film for Reeltime Pictures. As you do.
But before I go, how do I feel? Other than bleary and achy. I feel stressed but happy. There you go. In exactly five weeks, we will be wrapping on day one of principle photography. I look forward to that day. For lo, it shall be sweet,