I just finished making the calls to the actors and actresses we’ve picked for the parts – more details on them to come during the week. Big thanks to everyone who attended the auditions, Ben at Babelfish for putting up with people coming through his office every half hour for two days, and Matt Manning and Dave Abbott for helping me out.
James and I met Ian Tomlinson today, who is going to be taking on some of the props work alongside Jenni Gregory. We spent a couple of hours (at the gloriously sunny but annoyingly windy Courtyard) going through the script and listing all the props we’ll need.
As James said to me earlier today, it seems like the film was meant to happen this year rather than last, as things seem to be coming together so well. We’ve heard from Movie Mail, the Hereford-based mail order distributor of videos and DVDs, that they want to talk to us about selling copies of Soul Searcher. We’re also booked in for Borderlines, Herefordshire’s brand new film festival, in March 2004, to screen an extended trailer and generally big up the movie. All this makes getting cooperation from location owners and the like a lot easier, since we’ve got a guaranteed audience.