Soul Searcher: May 7th 2005

I finally got my accommodation for Cannes sorted out, just as I was beginning to think I wasn’t going to be able to go. I also got a couple of t-shirts done with the new Soul Searcher logo on the front and – the piece de resistance (watch it Neil, you’re not in France yet) – a Guardian quote on the back. We’ll see what continental shenanigans ensue.

The other day I did an interview for Wideshot – that’s part of the Shooting People website. That’ll be up next week I guess. The Curse of Soul Searcher worked its dark magic on the interviewer’s tape recorder, meaning we had to do half the interview again.

The Midlands Arts Centre in Birmingham has given me a screening date of June 24th for the film – see the screenings page for more info.

And the behind-the-scenes documentary is now longer than the film itself.

Soul Searcher: May 7th 2005

Soul Searcher: April 26th 2005

Today I started up a Secret Alternate Journal, to record all the interesting things that are starting to happen distribution-wise, which are too sensitive to put up here on the site. The SAJ will rest safely on my hard drive until such time as I see fit to release it upon the world.

However, I don’t think there’s any harm in saying that to date four distribution companies/sales agents have made me offers or indicated that they are about to make me offers. I also got the provisional dates and times through for four Soul Searcher screenings at the Courtyard in Hereford this summer. (Check out the screenings page for more info.) So four is the magic number right now.

I’ve nearly finished the first cut of Going to Hell: The Making of Soul Searcher. Even though it currently lacks for all the key interviews, it’s still running to 85 minutes. Can you say “Double Disc Collectors’ Edition”?

Oh, and big thanks to Screen West Midlands, who are part-funding my trip to Cannes next month.

Soul Searcher: April 26th 2005

Soul Searcher: April 21st 2005

It’s 1:26am and I just finished writing my application for Nightland script development money from Screen West Midlands. I’m currently waiting to hear whether SWM will be contributing some money towards my trip to Cannes next month through a different scheme. Last week I was interviewed by Screen Media, the press agency that produces the official Cannes newspaper.

At present, through a series of e-mail questions, Ray and I are being interviewed by Chris Jones for June’s issue of Impact. May’s issue, which I think is in the shops now or will be any day, features a most complimentary review of Soul Searcher in a double page spread. The reviewer is perhaps a little biased though – it’s Simon Wyndham. So look out for that. It’s not available in every newsagent, but if you hunt for it you’ll find it – Impact, the magazine of action entertainment. Bruce Willis on the front, AJ in the middle.

Soul Searcher: April 21st 2005