The Dark Side of the Earth: January 3rd, 2011

Well, we’re another year closer to hoverboards and flying cars. The self-lacing Nikes are already in development. It’s only a matter of time before they abolish all lawyers and ties become see-through.
Amongst the bounty Santa delivered this year was a t-shirt from my sister, bearing the legend: “COME OVER TO THE DARK SIDE. WE HAVE COOKIES.” Today I have indeed come over to the Dark Side again, having restarted work on the script, after a really, really, really nice two month break from it.
Another of my gifts, this time from my brother-in-law, was a Wii. With the odd exception (notably Ghostbuster: The Video Game, which I spent most of last Christmas in the States playing), I haven’t really played computer games since I was about 18. And whilst the main purpose of the Wii was to get Katie and I some exercise (we got the Wii Fit bundle), it’s also great research for the inevitable The Dark Side of the Earth tie-in game – yes, I have already made some notes.
Movie research is also easy to do at Christmas, as the TV schedules are packed with ’em, with no shortage of family fantasy films this year. I tried to watch as many as possible, but what did I learn from them?
1.There is an inverse relationship between the entertainment value of a battle scene and the number of digital extras in it. (The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor)
2. Eighties fantasy movies are the best – even the ones with awful synth-based scores. (Ladyhawke)
3. I can’t hold enough characters’ names in my head to follow a Julian Fellowes film. (From Time to Time)
4. Cute kids who can act can really make a movie. (Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium)
5. There is a bizarre trend in superhero movies to aim acts one and two at adults, but act three at small children. (The Incredible Hulk – see also Iron Man)
6. A strong theme, in this case war and the call of duty, can lift a genre film above the crowd. (The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe)
7. I can’t understand why this franchise isn’t making more money. (Prince Caspian)
8. Seriously. (The Voyage of the Dawn Treader) And the other thing I can’t understand is why anyone would want to watch it in 3D with all those shaky fight scenes. We made the trip to Malvern especially to see it in 2D, as part of my boycott of 3D movies, as I don’t want to see the format take over.

The Dark Side of the Earth: January 3rd, 2011