As part of my effort to actually make more films, and thereby make up for the six years I wasted trying to get The Dark Side of the Earth financed, in 2011 I started entering Virgin Media’s annual short film competition. Last year’s entry, The Picnic, didn’t get anywhere in the competition but did get randomly bought by an exam board.
This year I’ve written a script called Ghost-trainspotting, after wracking my brains to think of a location as convenient as the ruins over the road we shot The Picnic in, and finally hitting on the disused railway line a couple of blocks away. We’re shooting this Sunday with actors Rob Ashman (last seen in a Neil Oseman film as the prime minister in The Beacon) and George McCluskey, Colin Smith as DP, Sophie Black as designer, Ian Preece on sound and Katie Lake ADing and catering.
We fully expect to get rained on all day.