Soul Searcher: August 27th 2002

A recce day, which kicked off with Cat and I meeting possibly the friendliest location owner I’ve ever encountered – the manager of Hereford Leisure Centre. He was excited about the project, and was more than happy to accommodate our needs for shooting in the car park. We then went to Halfords car park and the Texcao garage on Holmer Road, where I explained to Cat the nature of the scenes so she could approach the proprietors. After leaving Cat, I went on to TGS Bowling, where I sat and drank coffee by the pool tables, scribbling storyboards for the scene I want to shoot there. Then it was off up Aylestone Hill to Churchill Gardens, where I discovered a weird seat that I can sit our heroes on, and on to Watermeadow Close, home of James Clarke MIA, to check out the possibility of using his abode as Heather’s in the movie. Since then I’ve been adminning and storyboarding. There are a couple more places to look at towards the end of the week, then I’m in London for most of September doing corporate work. Somehow I’ve got to fit the second wave casting in around that, but since most of the hopefuls are capital-based anyway, it should at least make things easier for them if I can afford to hire some kind of audition space in Londinium.

Soul Searcher: August 27th 2002