Soul Searcher: December 1st 2003

My alarm went off at 7:35am and my immediate reaction was: “It won’t be dark enough to shoot for hours yet… must go back to sleep…” Then I remembered the shoot was over. I sleep-walked through the morning’s work, struggling to keep my eyes open, and was extremely grateful when it turned out to be a short day and I could bugger off home just after 1pm. I went to bed for three hours.

It’s pretty odd not shooting any more. We didn’t shoot yesterday, incidentally, partly because Chris Hatherall’s car broke down but mainly because of heavy rain. We sat in Rowden Mill Station for a couple of hours eating mini-muffins and stoking the fire before giving up and going home. A fitting end to the shoot, really. How fecking depressing.

Right, got to start editing. Bye.

Soul Searcher: December 1st 2003