Soul Searcher: December 2nd 2003

Slept for 14 hours. Started clearing up the flat – a mammoth task. Met up with James to sort out the budget. Once all the expenses cheques have cleared my Soul Searcher account will be just shy of its overdraft limit. I have no idea how we’re going to pay for the January part of the shoot. That’s not something James will have to worry about though, as his role as producer is now most definitely at an end. He was aware that he was not up to the job and in fact had considered pulling out before the shoot but couldn’t bring himself to let me down. Fair enough, since if he’d done that the shoot would never have happened.

Still, that’s all in the past now. “You mean the future.”

Did I mention that on Sunday night I couldn’t sleep so I got up and started writing the sequels? No? Well, I have now. I didn’t get very far. Some dodgy 70s movie called The Beast Must Die was on TV and I kinda found myself watching it. Curse you, Peter Cushing.

Soul Searcher: December 2nd 2003